Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The sunlight shone on my face like a shiny pearl. The pure warmth of it relaxed me and made me snuggle into my purple comforter. It was like a silk layer of comfort and heat. I laid there, appreciating the moment. The birds were chirping, singing sweet, lovely songs about dreams and the morning that not even the Rosetta tone can understand. The trees have leaves that have small beads of dew that remind me of crystals. The window I'm looking out of is my only way of seeing the beautiful outside world. So I enjoy a few more minutes in the warmth of my bed and then get dressed and go outside. But morning is gone. It has disappered into mid-morning, and I lost the experience for those few minutes. But there's always tomorrow, I think to myself, and now, I have to live today to the fullest!


As I ran to the edge, I sucked in all my breath.
And then, as if there was an airbag pushing me back, I stopped and teetered.
Do I really want to do this?
To late.
I fell.
The crisp wind wooshed between my toes and through my hair and wrapped around me like a security blanket of cold.
That was when I felt the ground leave, as if it had crumbled into thin air.
That loss of safety made a chill run up my spine.
I was falling.
I whisked through the air and dipped and dived and twirled and flipped and spun and twisted into so many random shapes I felt like a pretzel.
And then, as I spiraled downward, I finally hit the cool water underneath me with the tips of my toes and the last of the wind stung my cheeks before I plunged below the waters surface.
I realized that I hadn't been falling. I had been flying.
And then my eyes popped open. I was warm safe and sound, snuggled inder my covers with the pure, golden sunlight I love shining down on me.

For Further Awesomeness!

Here is a link to my youtube channel! If you would like to set up your own channel it's a great way to show off anything from artwork to a skit!


Thank you for reading my blog! Everything I post is dedicated to you! I could not ask for a better support line-up! It's wonderful! I am very grateful to be blessed with all of you! Always remember that just by reading my blog it is showing me you care, and that is the greatest gift you can give to an aspiring writer or anyone trying to persue something they love!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Thank you to all of you who have ever supported me in my writing! Whether you have critisized it or complemented on it, it highlighted my rights and wrongs, improving my knowledge of my capabilities in literature. I am very lucky to have you beautiful, wonderful, and helpful people out there. All of you, along with my passion for the written arts, keep me going. I just wanted to say, thanks!

In the Dawn of the Daylight

In the dawn of the daylight, the sun emerged from its nap. The grass was sprinkled with sparkling beads of dew. The flowers that were set to budd in springtime but had already been scattered by the air as little seeds prior to this moment poked their heads up to watch the warmth of the sunrays errupt across the sky. A small breaths-worth of wind floated to the gorgeous scene to capture the beautiful moment. The wind tickled the leaves of the trees, and they shook slightly with laughter, waking nature, and that nature passing laughter and shaking all around the world, like a line of dominoes. One more, Earth was aware of itself.