Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Update

WOW! Christmas came and went SO fast! I think people spend more time preparing than acually celebrating! :) I hope you had a good Christmas, Hannukah (I hope I spelled that right), Kwanza or whatever you celebrate :). I got lots of cool stuff and I'm very grateful. I now have an iPod touch and some more cool clothes and CDs. I gave my 2-year-old sister, Abbie, my old wallet with a cute little dog on the front. Very sweet! On the other hand, Abbie got some new Strawberry Shortcake DVDs that are about as sickly sweet as a pile of rotten bananas. At least they keep her quiet for a while. Thank you for supporting Emmels World and Danielle, if you are reading this, the bananas did not get through to me. Abbie already got the banana in her stocking anyways, so don't worry. Thank you.

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