Sunday, June 30, 2013

Emily and Angela's Beach Day+Inspiration and Poetry

Today, Angela and I went to the beach. The water was absolutely freezing, but we had fun anyways. It was high tide and the waves were amazing. The sunset was beautiful and was full of soft colors and poetic inspiration.
Angela's thought: "Sorry....those waves kind of, um, destroyed my brain. *pauses for a while* THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED! Remember, from the Incredibles? Are you just typing everything I say? So much for freedom of speech. Emily is sexy. *claps* Yeah, I'm done."
The poem I conjured up at the beach today was when Angela lost a flip flop in the rocks and finally found it after 20 minutes of relentless searching.

Even though I was being pushed out to sea
I emerged triumphantly
To accompany Angela in the vicinity
She was depriving of vacancy

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely night.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm Back! an Emmels World Update

Hey readers! LONG time, no post! I am very excited to be back on Emmels World, and summer has awoken the writer inside of me! New poems and writing pieces should be out shortly. I am also VERY excited and thrilled to say that Emmels World has hit 400 pageviews! I never in a million years would have thought that 400 people would be able to read my pieces. I am very happy, and I wanted to thank you all for visiting my page.
Here is my update:
I am currently doing a lot of writing, but it is in a notebook not here on Emmels World. I am about 50 pages deep into a new novel I am writing. I have not titled it yet, but I am open to suggestions, so if you are interested leave a comment. I am working really hard and have spent a lot of time on it. I am hoping for a good turn out.
Regular readers are probably wondering why I was gone so long. My computer started having malfunctions, so it is extremely hard for me to post. I wrote a poem and my computer conked off right before I posted! I kept busy on the internet, though. I now have a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and have been maintaining my Quibblo. I attempted to make a Wordpress from my iPod, but it is a really old iPod and kept shutting down my internet. I am on my grandmother's computer at the moment.
Not only have I been using the internet, but I have been very inspired by the summer this year. I have lots of beach, lake, sun, and vacation-themed writing pieces to share with you. I am currently working on a poem about me and my best friend, Lauren, who were sadly split up when she moved away. Also,  I am going to be sharing with you how my book is going along the way.
An update on my personal life is actually really positive! Where I left off on my last post, it was last summer. This school year, I have made lots of new friends, had a role in the school play, got better at soccer, and made straight A's all year! Everything is going really well.
I wanted to notify you that I will be going on a week long vacation starting July 13th. I will probably post little to nothing during that week. But I promise, I am bringing my notebook, and I am sure that I will get some inspiration for new writing pieces.
Lastly, I wanted to wish you all a happy summer, and thank you for reading!