Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm Back! an Emmels World Update

Hey readers! LONG time, no post! I am very excited to be back on Emmels World, and summer has awoken the writer inside of me! New poems and writing pieces should be out shortly. I am also VERY excited and thrilled to say that Emmels World has hit 400 pageviews! I never in a million years would have thought that 400 people would be able to read my pieces. I am very happy, and I wanted to thank you all for visiting my page.
Here is my update:
I am currently doing a lot of writing, but it is in a notebook not here on Emmels World. I am about 50 pages deep into a new novel I am writing. I have not titled it yet, but I am open to suggestions, so if you are interested leave a comment. I am working really hard and have spent a lot of time on it. I am hoping for a good turn out.
Regular readers are probably wondering why I was gone so long. My computer started having malfunctions, so it is extremely hard for me to post. I wrote a poem and my computer conked off right before I posted! I kept busy on the internet, though. I now have a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and have been maintaining my Quibblo. I attempted to make a Wordpress from my iPod, but it is a really old iPod and kept shutting down my internet. I am on my grandmother's computer at the moment.
Not only have I been using the internet, but I have been very inspired by the summer this year. I have lots of beach, lake, sun, and vacation-themed writing pieces to share with you. I am currently working on a poem about me and my best friend, Lauren, who were sadly split up when she moved away. Also,  I am going to be sharing with you how my book is going along the way.
An update on my personal life is actually really positive! Where I left off on my last post, it was last summer. This school year, I have made lots of new friends, had a role in the school play, got better at soccer, and made straight A's all year! Everything is going really well.
I wanted to notify you that I will be going on a week long vacation starting July 13th. I will probably post little to nothing during that week. But I promise, I am bringing my notebook, and I am sure that I will get some inspiration for new writing pieces.
Lastly, I wanted to wish you all a happy summer, and thank you for reading!

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