Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's All About...Me?

On most blogs, you don't really get to know the writer. But I feel like it is important to connect with your readers. So, to celebrate getting over 300 pageviews since my first post, I am going to tell you 10 facts about me.
  1. I have two sisters. My older sister's name is Kaitlin and she is 14 years old. My younger sister's name is Abrielle and she is 3 years old.
  2. My birthday is August 15th.
  3. My full name is Emily Michelle. My first name was named after the famous poet Emily Dickinson, my middle name is named after my mother's middle name, and I have the same middle name as my two sisters, too.
  4. When I grow up, I'm not exactly sure what I would like to do for a job, because it changes a lot. But right now I would like to be an adoption counsler for an adoption agency, because I think that it's sad that many children do not have ready parents, and I would like to help.
  5. My favorite holiday is Halloween.
  6. If a genie gave me 3 wishes, I would wish that I could fly, that I was an actress, and that I had a better relationship with my older sister.
  7. I was in one beauty pagent as a child.
  8. I was offered a job as a model when I was younger, but it would cost a lot of money for modeling classes, so my parents declined.
  9. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall.
  10. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chocolate chip.
I hope that tells you a little bit more about me, and maybe now you feel like you know the real Emily a little bit better. Since Emmels World has the most pageview out of my two blogs, I'm going to make it my priority blog, and try to update it more. Thanks for reading! :)

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