Thursday, July 28, 2011

Giggles, Toys, and Everything in Between

Today my mom  is driving from New Hampshire to New York to get my cousin Destiny. Since she has work today, three of her daycare client's kids are here. They are currently playing happily with puzzles while my mom's client, Misti, is helping take care of the kids. My sister and her friend are both asleep upstairs. But it wasn't always as peaceful as it is now.

First, Abbie, my little sister, wouldn't eat her pancake. We let her put a few rainbow sprinkles on her pancake. I went to get some milk. I spilled it all over the floor! Later, when I came back, Abbie had dumped a bunch of sprinkles EVERYWHERE!

Then, in the playroom (our special play area), Abbie and Joey were fighting over a costume from our dress-up box, and Baby Jack, Misti's son, started crying. Next, Abbie took one of Joey's puzzle pieces, and it took about 10 minutes of Misti and I prodding and Joey whining to get it back.

Finally, Abbie gave back the puzzle piece and the kids all started playing together, Baby Jack stopped crying, and it was peaceful again.


Golden rays of pure warmth shine down on me from up above.
A gorgeous cloud of encasing heat wraps around me like a blanket.
A little piece of the sky is my spotlight.
Gorgeous, timelessness love of the sunshine is all I can think about.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The House for Sale

There is a house across the street from me. My mom said I could explore it. I bounded down my driveway to the mailbox of the house. There's a cobweb covered well next to it filled with dirty water and rusty coins. In the mailbox there's a number of tattered old phamplets and an unpaid bill notice from two summers ago. I jumped around the mailbox and well to the driveway. There's cobblestones leading from the mailbox to the yard, but instead of taking that path, I made a beeline for the stepping stones guiding me to the garden.

There were stepping stones in the garden, too, with overgrown clumps of moss in all shades of green, hugging it like a fitted pea coat. A number of wilted flowers heads drooped over the soil in which they had been planted. A few flies were poking around a vegetable garden, and there were knats on the fruit. The herbs smelled very strongly and were left bee by bugs.

On the exterior of the shed, there were chips in the paint, and when I peered in through the window, there were clusters of dust. A musty smell rose from it. There was an old clock and a trowel in the corner, long forgotten. I tapped on the glass to see if any bug critters were inside, but it seemed to be barren.

What an interesting house, I thought as I walked home.

Fun Size Friends

My mom's friend Melissa came over today. She brought her daughter, Madison, 5, and her son, Ethan, 3. I gave her the idea for the name Madison. We hung out on the deck and ate ice cream. I'm never bored when they're over. We talk about what we have been up to and what we have planned. I love the kids and I always want to be a part of their lives.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Angela and the Sleepover!

Angela, one of my best friends, is here to spend the night! We made corn muffins (there was a 2 for a dollar sale at Market Basket), watched some television, danced :), and decided to go blogging! We are really good friends and our friendship means the world to me. She really likes to sing. She also likes the color purple. She understands me and we relate really well. Love her! Angela would like to say some words about our friendship:

"I am never bored when I'm with Emily. You will definitely not see any people just like us together. We are a really unique pair, and you would never expect two people like us to be best friends."

She means the world to me, and I love to spend time with Angela. We are going to have the best times together!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Maddie is Here!

My cousin Madison is here! She is an avid softball player. She is telling me what to write now:

I'm Madison and I'm awesome.

That is all she had to say. I love her a lot. I hope you guys like my blog! Thanks.

Night Water

The crystal water looked so bright in the crisp moonlight. So perfectly clear you could see the pebbles dancing with the shallow waves that were lapping at the shore. Small fish that were colorful in the afternoon sun had their brightness washed away by the pale moon, becoming just nondescript moving objects. At the time I was focused on the sky, though, so black it looked like it was sleeping, nestled in a dark blanket. I ran my hand through the water, and the cold sort of shocked me, sending an electrifying shiver through my body, as if the cool night had dissolved into the water giving it that defining chill. I dragged a finger across the warm sand. It took the bite out of the frigid water that was left clinging to my hand like little drops of glue. Ahhh. All was better.

Getting Creative

Today, me and my wonderful grandmother (who is an artist) decorated some plain wooden boxes. Mine is painted cadmium red, emerald, ultramarine, and tawny gold. I put a button, a stamp, and some purple glitter vines on it and arranged them into a cute smiley face. I really like it. If you would like to see some of my grandmother's work, her Etsy shop address is


Hi. My name is Emily, but my friends call me Emmels. That's why I named my blog Emmels World. I am one of The Helpful Mommy's 3 daughters. I am going to use this blog to write about day to day life, and just...well...write. I hope you like it.