Thursday, July 28, 2011

Giggles, Toys, and Everything in Between

Today my mom  is driving from New Hampshire to New York to get my cousin Destiny. Since she has work today, three of her daycare client's kids are here. They are currently playing happily with puzzles while my mom's client, Misti, is helping take care of the kids. My sister and her friend are both asleep upstairs. But it wasn't always as peaceful as it is now.

First, Abbie, my little sister, wouldn't eat her pancake. We let her put a few rainbow sprinkles on her pancake. I went to get some milk. I spilled it all over the floor! Later, when I came back, Abbie had dumped a bunch of sprinkles EVERYWHERE!

Then, in the playroom (our special play area), Abbie and Joey were fighting over a costume from our dress-up box, and Baby Jack, Misti's son, started crying. Next, Abbie took one of Joey's puzzle pieces, and it took about 10 minutes of Misti and I prodding and Joey whining to get it back.

Finally, Abbie gave back the puzzle piece and the kids all started playing together, Baby Jack stopped crying, and it was peaceful again.

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