Sunday, June 30, 2013

Emily and Angela's Beach Day+Inspiration and Poetry

Today, Angela and I went to the beach. The water was absolutely freezing, but we had fun anyways. It was high tide and the waves were amazing. The sunset was beautiful and was full of soft colors and poetic inspiration.
Angela's thought: "Sorry....those waves kind of, um, destroyed my brain. *pauses for a while* THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED! Remember, from the Incredibles? Are you just typing everything I say? So much for freedom of speech. Emily is sexy. *claps* Yeah, I'm done."
The poem I conjured up at the beach today was when Angela lost a flip flop in the rocks and finally found it after 20 minutes of relentless searching.

Even though I was being pushed out to sea
I emerged triumphantly
To accompany Angela in the vicinity
She was depriving of vacancy

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely night.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm Back! an Emmels World Update

Hey readers! LONG time, no post! I am very excited to be back on Emmels World, and summer has awoken the writer inside of me! New poems and writing pieces should be out shortly. I am also VERY excited and thrilled to say that Emmels World has hit 400 pageviews! I never in a million years would have thought that 400 people would be able to read my pieces. I am very happy, and I wanted to thank you all for visiting my page.
Here is my update:
I am currently doing a lot of writing, but it is in a notebook not here on Emmels World. I am about 50 pages deep into a new novel I am writing. I have not titled it yet, but I am open to suggestions, so if you are interested leave a comment. I am working really hard and have spent a lot of time on it. I am hoping for a good turn out.
Regular readers are probably wondering why I was gone so long. My computer started having malfunctions, so it is extremely hard for me to post. I wrote a poem and my computer conked off right before I posted! I kept busy on the internet, though. I now have a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and have been maintaining my Quibblo. I attempted to make a Wordpress from my iPod, but it is a really old iPod and kept shutting down my internet. I am on my grandmother's computer at the moment.
Not only have I been using the internet, but I have been very inspired by the summer this year. I have lots of beach, lake, sun, and vacation-themed writing pieces to share with you. I am currently working on a poem about me and my best friend, Lauren, who were sadly split up when she moved away. Also,  I am going to be sharing with you how my book is going along the way.
An update on my personal life is actually really positive! Where I left off on my last post, it was last summer. This school year, I have made lots of new friends, had a role in the school play, got better at soccer, and made straight A's all year! Everything is going really well.
I wanted to notify you that I will be going on a week long vacation starting July 13th. I will probably post little to nothing during that week. But I promise, I am bringing my notebook, and I am sure that I will get some inspiration for new writing pieces.
Lastly, I wanted to wish you all a happy summer, and thank you for reading!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's All About...Me?

On most blogs, you don't really get to know the writer. But I feel like it is important to connect with your readers. So, to celebrate getting over 300 pageviews since my first post, I am going to tell you 10 facts about me.
  1. I have two sisters. My older sister's name is Kaitlin and she is 14 years old. My younger sister's name is Abrielle and she is 3 years old.
  2. My birthday is August 15th.
  3. My full name is Emily Michelle. My first name was named after the famous poet Emily Dickinson, my middle name is named after my mother's middle name, and I have the same middle name as my two sisters, too.
  4. When I grow up, I'm not exactly sure what I would like to do for a job, because it changes a lot. But right now I would like to be an adoption counsler for an adoption agency, because I think that it's sad that many children do not have ready parents, and I would like to help.
  5. My favorite holiday is Halloween.
  6. If a genie gave me 3 wishes, I would wish that I could fly, that I was an actress, and that I had a better relationship with my older sister.
  7. I was in one beauty pagent as a child.
  8. I was offered a job as a model when I was younger, but it would cost a lot of money for modeling classes, so my parents declined.
  9. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall.
  10. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chocolate chip.
I hope that tells you a little bit more about me, and maybe now you feel like you know the real Emily a little bit better. Since Emmels World has the most pageview out of my two blogs, I'm going to make it my priority blog, and try to update it more. Thanks for reading! :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Share Challenge!

Hey readers! I am so sorry that I have not been posting on Emmels World since May. I was very busy starting up my newest blog and my Quibblo (I will put links to those at the bottom). I will now be trying to update my blogs at a minimum rate of once every two weeks, hopefully more.
Today I am starting a new challenge. My last challenge, It's Your Turn to Shine, is from several months ago, but only had a couple of participants, mostly on my Facebook page. Hopefully, you are enjoying Emmels World and would like your other friends to enjoy it, too. So if you are reading this, please consider participating in the Share Challenge.
The Share Challenge is a challenge where the first person to get 10 of your friends to look at this blog and comment in the box below wins a special Emmels World post dedicated to them. If you are a friend sent here by  a contest participant to help them win, please comment your friends name (the one who sent you here), and your opinion on my blog.
Thank you for reading Emmels World! Have a wonderful day!
The Hunger Games Hottest Blog:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Race

I knew, as soon as I had trudged over to the finish line, that she would beat me. That I had no chance. But after her being so mean to me, I had to win. I had to prove that just because I'm not popular or particularly pretty or not athletic, that I can be whatever I set out to be. That I can overrule her. So, when the gun is fired, I am determined to at least keep her within seeing range. I run as fast as I can, but she drifts out of view. I know that I have to move faster. I stare at my feet, pushing me off the ground, and I force myself to make them move faster. And even though my legs are burning and I can't breathe, I pursue her. Finally, she is in seeing range. I erratically shake my head, trying to wake myself from the dream I am having. But it is not a dream. I am getting closer and closer to her. At about 100 yards from the finish line, she begins to sprint as hard as she can, which is remarkably fast. After 20 yards, I can't push myself any farther, my legs are on fire. But then, it all flashes before my eyes.
I am in the lunchroom at school. I approach her table to sit with some nice girls from my math class. But she pushes me away.
I am walking to my house from my bus stop. She approaches with some other girls and calls me a loser.
I am at the school basketball tournament, cheering for my best friends, when all the phones of the student spectators bleep simultaneously, including mine. Slowly, I check the text messege I have recieved. It says to stay away from me because I have a bad case of some made up disease and I am contagious. She catches my eye and waves her phone at me with a snarky smile. Everyone surrounding me backs away.
Then I am pulled back to the present, and I know that she cannot win. I run so fast that I think my feet never hit the ground. I am finally next to her. And I look at her with the same snarky smile she gave me, and then know I have the power to cross the finish line first. And I do.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Update

WOW! Christmas came and went SO fast! I think people spend more time preparing than acually celebrating! :) I hope you had a good Christmas, Hannukah (I hope I spelled that right), Kwanza or whatever you celebrate :). I got lots of cool stuff and I'm very grateful. I now have an iPod touch and some more cool clothes and CDs. I gave my 2-year-old sister, Abbie, my old wallet with a cute little dog on the front. Very sweet! On the other hand, Abbie got some new Strawberry Shortcake DVDs that are about as sickly sweet as a pile of rotten bananas. At least they keep her quiet for a while. Thank you for supporting Emmels World and Danielle, if you are reading this, the bananas did not get through to me. Abbie already got the banana in her stocking anyways, so don't worry. Thank you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Shopping Guide

You might be a parent, grandma, friend, it doesn't matter. You are reading this because you want to get a gift for Christmas for a special person in your life and you have no clue what to get them. Read this and you'll have an idea.

For a baby, you could get them a cute outfit. Another good idea is a plush toy or stuffed animal. A baby also might like a book with flaps or fabric to feel. They like different textures.

A toddler might want a toy with wheels to pull around, since they had started walking. Also, they might like toys that roll or make noise. Books that read themselves are good for them, too. They keep them interested.

Young Kid (2-3)
A young kid might want something with a character from a TV show on it, such as a Dora purse or Barney stuffed animals. Boys might like a toy car, a girl might opt for a doll.

Preschooler- Kindergartener
Boys and girls might like paints and crayons. boys can be found playing with action figures, while girls might like dolls with hair they can style and plastic make-up.

1st Grade-2nd Grade
Girls want things they can make, such as beads for bracalets or glitter stickers to decorate their school supplies. Boys might like little collectible toys or cards to trade with friends.

3rd-5th Grade
Girls like pajamas, notebooks, and accessories.  Boys want skateboards, ripsticks, bikes, scooters, and any accessories for them.

Middle Schoolers
Boys and girls want gift cards to stores or, if they have an iPod, a gift card to iTunes. Cellphone cases are popular.

High Schoolers
They want money, because they feel responsible enough to spend it usefully, and they might want to shop with friends.

Decorative things or candles for women, men might like tickets to a sports event, Nascar race, or monster truck rally.

I hope that now you have an idea or two on what to get that special person for Christmas. Thanks for reading. :)